Tuesday, December 11

Where I Love Weddings

Alhamdulillah, all went well at the wedding. My cousin had a hard time during the akad nikah but in the end, he is now officially the husband to the girl of his dreams. I was deadbeat from the wedding that I skipped my pbf class on monday. My arm was tense and every muscles and nerves were taut after the whole tiring event. This wedding was special. We almost did everything by ourselves, at least that's what my aunt did. She did her own hantarans, the berkats and even I chipped in by decorating the cupcakes. We spend our nights by cooking the cupcakes till 4 am and its even after the nikah. It's hectic, very hectic.

My body seems to be taking its time to recuperate. Initially, when I came, I weigh and I lost 2 kg and even after the eventI lost an extra kilo. Probably due to the walking to and fro in high heels from blk 710 to 719. Blurdy, lifts renovations and the rain too made our work impossible. Imagine me with my baju kurung holding one umbrella in one hand and one big big bag of berkats(count:200), walking through the rain with heels. Pure agony. I won't dwell that much on the pain side of the story.

In the mean time, here's some sneak previews of the two days event.

on the way to the bride's house

look of relieve; its over!

through the lens; with my grandad

she looks gorgeous!

Congrats to md ariffin aka abg helmi and nur hana. More pictures to come in my multiply soon. I'm off to school now.

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