Saturday, June 9

"Perumpamaan seorang mukmin yang membaca al-Quran adalah seperti buah utrujjah (buah semacam jeruk), aromanya harum dan rasanya enak. Perumpamaan seorang mukmin yang tidak membaca al-Quran adalah seperti buah kurma, tak ada aroma tapi rasanya manis.."
(HR Tirmidzi)

It's a blessing to see a fellow muslim reading the holy Quran eventhough she does not adorn the proper attire or hijab. I say that's a small step at a time to the road of righteousness. I still can not believe that some other fellow muslims feel the importance to snide or make nasty glances towards her. It's just not right. We are not to judge. It's Him that knows the purest of intention.

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